Monday, February 28, 2011


There are four reasons to try this great recipe. First, it is made in the slow cooker, so it's super easy. Secondly, it is inexpensive to make; thirdly, it gets rave reviews whenever I make it and fourthly, the finished meal freezes VERY well if you have leftovers.
I am not a big sweet and sour fan, but I love this recipe. It is extremely moist with just the right amount of sweet to sour ratio.
2-3 pound lean boneless pork loin roast 
1 cup granulated sugar (seems like a lot, but it mellows out)
1/2 cup white vinegar
4 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons ketchup
20 ounce can crushed pineapple (drained)

Brown the pork roast on all sides and put it in your slow cooker. Mix everything else and bring it to a boil, then pour it over the meat.
Cook on low for 4-6 hours or until very tender (spoon the sauce over the meat every once in a while).
That's it...super easy!! At the very end of the cooking time, I thickened the sauce a little with a slurry of cornstarch and water (right in the crockpot). To serve, slice the meat and spoon a little of the sauce over it; it's great with rice.

Now this last suggestion is not for everyone, but my picky-picky hubby absolutely loves it. On day two, I pull this pork apart and mix it with a little of the sauce (make sure you include some pineapple out of the sauce). While its still cold, I roll it into a large burrito size tortilla (folding in all the ends) and then I brown the whole "sandwich" in a little butter until its piping hot. Hubby is extremely UN-demostrative when it comes to food, but he ooohhh'd and ahhhhhh'd about this sandwich until the last bite.

NOTE: Sorry about these photographs. This is one of those recipes that, no matter how hard to try to get a good photo, it just doesn't work. You'll just have to trust me that it is delicious.